October 18


Upper Structure Chords

By Thomas Gunther

October 18, 2024

Examples for how upper structure chords are  used

The following video gives 4 short examples demonstrating how Upper Structure Chords are used in different jazz and pop music genres.

About this article

As demonstrated in the above video Upper Structure Chords are a great device for creating beautiful voicings with ease.
In this article I will tell you what they are and how to effectively use them.

By the way, those Upper Structure Chords are not only helpful to our keyboard playing. Skilled music arrangers and improvisers use them as well. 

What is an Upper Structure Chord?

An Upper Structure Chord (USC) is a chord (often just a major, minor, diminished, or augmented triad) that includes chordal extensions or tensions (for example 9, 11, 13).

Why do we use Upper Structure Chords (USCs)

USCs helps us think, read, write and performing chords (harmony) more easily. Also, they are sometimes simply the best choice for writing certain chords who otherwise can only be expressed with a complex regular chord symbol.

The two different Types of Upper Structure Chords

An USC can either be placed above a single bass note which makes it a Slash Chord, or an other chord (called Lower Structure Chord = LSC) making it a Poly Chord.

Type 1: Upper Structure Slash Chord

An USC placed on top of a single bass note that is not part of the chord is called an Upper Structure Slash Chord.
For example C/F = [C major triad] over [bass note F]. F is not part of a C major triad!

When the bass note is a pitch that is also found in the USC, the result is simply an Inversion. For example, C/E is the slash chord indicating the 1st inversion of a C major triad. We may call C/E a Slash Chord, but calling it an Upper Structure Slash Chord would be wrong(See above example.)

Type 2: Poly Chord

An USC placed on top of an other chord (LSC = Lower Structure Chord) is called a Poly Chord. The USC and the LSC are written on top of one another and separated by a horizontal line as shown below.

Here is a short video that shows you how Oscar Peterson used Upper Structure Chords in his improvisations. A MUST SEE!

The following video is yet an other example for how Upper Structure Chords can be useful in combination with arpeggios.  

The upper structure example starts at 4:20.
Tip: You might get a lot of interesting ideas out of watching the entire video, especially when you like to improvise with broken chords and arpeggios made from triads!

Thomas Gunther

About the author

Born and raised in Germany, Thomas Gunther (in Germany known as Thommy Günther) is a versatile internationally active jazz pianist/keyboardist, music producer, and music educator.

Thomas holds a Master’s Degree in Teaching and Performing Jazz and Popular Music from the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart/Germany.
After moving to Chicago, he soon becomes the principal pianist with the Chicago Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Stan Kenton's music arranger/composer William Russo. With this group he had the pleasure of performing with world renown guest artists such as Randy Brecker, Body DiFranco, Archie Sheep, Jon Faddis, Cassandra Wilson, Orbert Davis, etc.
Today he is an integrated part of the Chicago music scene performing with different groups as sideman and leader. He leads the Thomas Gunther Trio Plus, and toured Germany with the Thomas Gunther’s Taste Of Chicago Band. 
He has produced, arranged, and recorded lots of music as a leader and sideman. He also offers music arranging and orchestration services for groups of all sizes, including the Chicago Jazz Philharmonic. Thomas currently serves as an Adjunct Professor at Columbia College Chicago. Find out more about Thomas at https://www.ThomasGunther.com