What you will learn from this article
In this article, I present a 5-step exercise series that will prepare you to employ some of the most exciting rhythmic concepts in your improvisations.
It includes a video tutorial and accompanying sheet music that you can view and download for free!
Background information for this training series
It may seem counterintuitive to find math in blues music, which is deeply rooted in feelings and emotions, yet it plays a significant role in how this genre functions.
In this article, I will demonstrate how some of the most dazzling blues rhythms are based on quarter note triplets and their subdivisions.
Since this may sound abstract and not very appealing just by reading about it, I decided to spontaneously improvise a blues piece based on this concept to provide you with an attractive example of what this can sound like. I also transcribed it after analyzing my own performance. Finally, I developed a five-step exercise series designed to prepare you to improvise in that style. In addition to blues and boogie, this rhythmic concept can be applied to various genres of music, especially jazz and Latin music.
How to get the most out of this blues piano lesson
I recommend watching the video tutorial first. After that, I suggest downloading the free sheet music, which includes the transcription of my spontaneous improvisation along with the five-step exercise series.